About Denise
I’m passionate about homeopathy having experienced for myself, and seen in others, the remarkable results it can bring about. Even now, after several years, I still enjoy ‘oh wow’ moments when someone reports back that their painful or troubling long term symptoms have simply resolved after a remedy.
Yes, there was life before homeopathy. My background is in marketing and I worked in the corporate world for many years. All that time I was using remedies, reading books and self prescribing. Then I was lucky enough to be in a position to start formal training as a homeopath. I studied at Purton House School of Homeopathy, The School of Homeopathy in Devon, and The Lakeland College of Homeopathy in London. I became a qualified and registered homeopath (fully registered and insured with The Alliance of Registered Homeopaths for many years now), and have never looked back.
I practice homeopathy with the belief that every single person is unique, and so the style of homeopathy I use is tailored to each individual need. I love working with my clients. Some have been with me for many years, coming back from time to time for a top up and a tonic to keep them well. They say I’m warm, empathetic and intuitive (thanks, guys) and there is often a good dose of laughter in the consulting room. I’m also a certified Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regression Therapist and Health Coach, writer, speaker, Chinese Astrologer, Feng Shui consultant and Mummy to my grown up babies.
I teach homeopathy courses in the UK and Malaysia, and when I’m not working I’m travelling. You’ll find me India and Asia.
Speak soon,

Denise O'Dwyer BA(Hons) MLCHom MARH CHC (Dist.)
Berkhamsted and London
Homeopathy Worldwide by Skype and Zoom
To make an appointment call 07905 999 037
or mail@DeniseODwyer.co.uk